Amber Chia is Malaysia's very own Supermodel, where some would consider her the Asian version of "Tyra Banks".
Her very own signature pout is well known to many of her fans around Asia.
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It is not often we Malaysians come across a celebrity like Her with such cross cultural appeal.
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amber chia
Besides her International Debut of Winning the "Guess International Seach" in 2004, her journey to become a rising star was just about to start. She took the Arts an Entertainment industry in Malaysia to whole new level with various contributions as follows:
Besides her International Debut of Winning the "Guess International Seach" in 2004, her journey to become a rising star was just about to start. She took the Arts an Entertainment industry in Malaysia to whole new level with various contributions as follows:
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She Dares to be Sexy.
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Her very own movie appearance.
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she face the reality
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Her appearance in Taiwan's most popular TV Variety show
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在Victoria Beckham 紐約時裝周唯一的亞裔model
Victoria Beckham personally selected her to present the Victoria Beckham Autumn/Winter 2009 Ready to Wear Collection during the glamourous New York Fashion Week
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The "Amber Chia" Academy.
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She got Hitched.
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Its a Boy!
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A Published Author
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Her very own Supermodel Search
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She indeed portrays a true Malaysian spirit within her as she embraces the different cultures that are being practiced throughout the country. In the photo below, she is seen wearing a veil (Hijab) to commemorate with the Hari Raya Celebration (Eid al-fitr). As Oprah once stated "No gesture is too small when done with gratitude".
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跟amber合作幾次也開始熟悉了,於是有一天工作時我就問她,妳要不要跟我來一輯照片是放在我blog讓大家看到不一樣的你。她說“lets do it”。
在籌備這一次的拍攝,我希望看到不一樣的amber所以我邀請了現在馬來西亞當紅的4位hair stylist,
In preparation for any photoshoot, as a stylist, I always hope to capture different looks of Amber as she is always full of surprises. Hence, this would not have been possible without the assistance of amongst Malaysia's leading hairstylists.
Bibian Leong (以下是bibian的作品)
Garrie Bobs (以下是garrie的作品)
Ckay Liow (以下是ckay的作品)
Dylan Boon (以下是dylan的作品)
少不了與我合作無間的彩妝師 deidre choong
Make-up Artist @deirdre96
還有長期合作的攝影師 kenneth lim
Photographer @kenneth711
Getting Up Close and Personal with Amber Chia
1.What are your expectations from your photoshoots?
I love being involve in photoshoots, especially fashion shoots or beauty shots. Today's photoshoot theme is very interesting and I am looking forward to the outcome of it. Also, I hardly get to work with beauty portrait shoots.
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2.覺得馬來西亞fashion industry 10年的改變
How do you feel about the progress of the fashion industry over the last 10 years in Malaysia?
進步很多,creative 方面也進步很多,出現很多不一樣的設計師,但是進步空間還是有很多很多。畢竟,現在韓國,曼谷,新加坡等等的鄰國都開始被國際媒體注意到,我國還是有待進步。其實我國有三大民族應該會更容易把我們有的culture讓外國媒體或是fashion lover注意到也許因為我們更需要在不同種族的信仰,culture,布料,等等的 做出考量所以接受能力需要被灌輸更多的知識才能一起進步,我相信有一天馬來西亞的fashion會成為東南亞的leader fashion city。
It has improved tremendously especially from the creative perspective of it. There are more up and coming young fashion designers out there. However, the industry have a lot more room for improvement. Countries such as Korea, Thailand (Bangkok), Singapore has caught the attention of many international media. so because we are surrounded by a melting pot of culture, I believe we are able to showcase our culture not just locally but to other countries, as this will bring inspiration to other fashion lovers all around. Not only that, with the influences of different beliefs and cultures, we can come together to inspire one another in order to create great fashion pieces. One day, I truly believe Malaysia can be the leading Fashion Capital of South East Asia.
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3.對於很多人想成為第二個amber chia的看法
First, I feel truly blessed and lucky to have the opportunity to inspire other people around me. But, nothing in life comes to us easily, I believe that we have to persevere through hardships and sacrifices in order to achieve our goals in life. For the past 17 years, i have been through plenty of hardships to get to where i am today. Everyday I am striving to learn and improve myself because there is no end to discover and learning about oneself. From a career perspective, I take professionalism very seriously as to always have a good attitude in handling anything/challenges that comes my way be it good or bad. Therefore, this is what has made me the person I am today.
哈哈,穿衣服是一門很重要的功課,特別我們是fashion industry的一部分,想當初剛剛入行時我對穿衣服的知識是幾乎零,你也知道我以前在kampung賣魚的,所以走在街上根本沒有人覺得我會是模特兒。被同行的人取笑了多,自己也不停多看fashion magazine,才會稍微進步了,然後拍攝工作多了,接觸很多國際品牌才讓我更加了解衣著的知識。現在對我而言,穿衣服不只是衣服而已,而是整體 ,from head to toe 的。
Haha, Knowing what to wear is an essential task especially for those who are in the fashion industry. Initially, having to grow up in small little village and helping out my father to sell fish, I did not have the opportunity to explore the fashion world. During the days when I first started out modelling, I was just an ordinary looking girl who no one expects to be able to model someday. Also, there were some people in the fashion industry who made heavy criticisms of me, since then, i have decided to take the initiative to explore fashion magazines so i would be able to tap into jobs in the industry. My perception now is that fashion overall (from head to toe), it matters!
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我很快樂,人一定是有情緒的,我當然也會情緒低落,只是我看得很開,這種心態也不知道什麼時候會對負面的情緒那麼快就可以放在一個trash folder裡面睡醒就自然就delete,所以我覺得有這樣的心態是很容易快樂。人生中真的很多高地起落,但是沒有跌痛過就不會珍惜擁有的,我人生中的qoute就是 take and give,每一件事情的發生都有它的理由,有好有不好,但是從中我又得到一些領悟或是東西豐富我自己的inner beauty, 例如我失去一個工作但是我獲得更多時間陪家人當休息,或是被人說我不好但是我是因為被大家注意到才會讓他們討論我, 等等這個時候我也不知道為什麼自己會用多方面的角度去看一件事情讓我自己知道並不是那麼糟糕。
I am extremely happy but of course everyone has their own emotions and I have my ups and downs. I have learned how to expressed my emotions rationally by having an open mind and this gets better with good/bad past experiences. All of us have been through the ups and the downs, but if we don't allow ourselves to fall, we will never learn how to pick ourselves up. My basic principle in life is we need to learn how to "Give and Take", everything happens for a reason, it has its good and its bad, and this has made me realised that inner beauty prevails over everything else.
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我想是分身的人,身為媽媽,model,演員,導師,代言人的我,真的很忙,有人問我為什麼沒有休息,為什麼沒有陪家人,為什麼那麼多event,等等如何解決這些別人無法了解分身的問題。家庭,事業,朋友都是一個三角形的balancing perfect life的重點缺少其中一個就覺得人生中不夠完美,很幸運的,我擁有了全部。家庭裡面我扮演兒子的好朋友,老公永遠的女朋友,兒子遇到什麼事情都會跟我講,讓我看到兒子成長的一面,偶爾雖然有時候我工作回到家他睡了但是他會把想說的寫在紙讓後放在我房間,隔一天我就會好像筆友回他信,來保持這種好朋友的心態去支持他或是用一種方好朋友式去教導他。老公很疼我,很照顧我,我常常對他說不要把我當老婆,要把我當女朋友來疼愛,所以我在老公面前自然就是小女生,跟我們剛談戀愛幾乎是一樣的感覺。朋友,都是我的貴人,每個人都對我很好很照顧我,所以我真的覺得很幸運。事業,身為院長的我要教課,模特兒的要拍攝或做show甚至上電視,當我很累的時候我就會對自己說有很多人都希望我現在擁有的,假如我不努力一切就會慢慢得失去,所以我要更努力去工作。代言人,我也覺得很榮幸可以代言很多不一樣,包包,衣服,鞋子等等商品,很多時候商家會告訴我我穿過他們家的物品都會成為hot item甚至很快賣完,我非常感恩他們這樣告訴我,因為商家的產品不好的話怎麼可能會賣得那麼好,所以感謝找我代言的商家,謝謝他們相信我,所以我要更加努力,學習不一樣的事情,jump out of the box。其實我可以modeling到80歲,假如真的那時候還有商家找我,我真的會繼續catwalk,雖然不年輕了可是歲月的美麗是實在的也是每個人需要面對的。
I would like to consider myself an all rounder as I am a mother to a lovely young boy, a model, an actress, a mentor and an ambassadress. These activities have occupied a lot of my time (attending various events) and some has questioned me, why not take a break? Well most of you need to understand, my career, family and friends are the three pillars that forms a perfect balanced life for me. If any of these pillars tumbles, my life would not be complete. Again, I feel truly blessed to have built a great friendship bond with my pride and joy, having the man who is not only a husband to me but a soulmate. Friendships are my treasure, they are like my guardian angels as they are always on the lookout for me. There are times where I feel exhausted on the job but when I think of the support from my family and friends, it all goes away and the show must go on. As an ambassadress for various labels; bags, clothing, shoes and many more, I have managed to gather the response from the respective client to be overwhelming. This would not have been possible if it wasn't the support from these clients. Thank you for believing in me and I will continue with my hardwork to deliver the best. Furthermore, I believe that i am able to be a model till the age of 80, and if anyone at that time would still hire me for a job, I would be more than happy to do so because age is just a number, and beauty is defined within.
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Pictures below shows 4 different inspirations I have towards Amber.
#hairbygarriebobs @garrie.bobs
#hairbydylanboon @boondylan x hair gear by @MJCAKESKL
#hairbybibianleong @bibian226
#notjustahairstylist @ckayliow
Amber Chia, 是一位值得我們去學習的對象無論是工作態度,人生價值觀,等等
She truly is a gem that we Malaysians need to cherish and be inspired from, not only because she is in the Entertainment Industry, but as an amazing individual with great principles in life!
by the way,amber從這個雙手插腰顯的腰很細的signature pose
BTW, Amber is known for her "Hands on the Waist" signature pose.
Elongating Leg Pose to give it a "Svelte" look.
墊起腳頭面向鏡頭然後反方向的手放在肩膀以上的pose 也就是像以下這樣
A "Tip Toe"pose whilst facing the camera, and bringing the opposite arm above the shoulder length, adding to that elegance with a million dollar smile.
是不是,這就是大家要學習的新pose,我們以後可以 #amberchianewpose
These are the few poses we can try at and Don't Forget to #amberchianewpose
#styledbymaxmak @maxmakofficial