Tuesday 12 May 2015

Met Gala 2015 ( the Red Carpet)

The Red Carpet


MET GALA, also known as MetBall. It is an annual fundraising gala for the benefit of the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute in New York City. Each year there would be different themes and chairperson, this year is being hosted by Silas Chou (hongkong tycoon, big money guy), Anna Wintour (if the name doesnt ring a bell, think about Devil Wear Prada, the Dragon lady), Gong Li and Sarah Jessica Parker(who wouldn't know them?) This year's theme is China: Through The Looking Glass.
Next to Oscar's Award, Met Gala is the next big thing. This event is suppose to show people the inspirations and the creations of fashion. After last year's punk theme, this year the chinese theme was unexpected. So who could pull it off?
Met Gala,又称Met Ball,是由纽约大都市艺术博物馆时装馆每年举办的慈善晚宴舞会, Met Gala1971年开始举办,主办单位每年都会准备特殊的主题来展览开幕,同时为时装馆筹集捐款。今年的MET GALA SilasChou曹其峰(香港企业家,时尚界大亨),Anna Wintour(如果你自称懂时尚,那你就应该认识她,不懂的话就去面壁思过吧!),巩俐和Sarah Jessica Parker(欲望城市里的Carrie Bradshaw,也不知道吗?再去面壁思过吧!)四位一起携手主办。今年大都会以“ChinaThrough the Looking Glass 中国:镜花水月为展览主题。受邀明星们和当红设计师都为了今年的Met Gala花尽心思,只为了成为晚会上的焦点,“上头条(近期网民最爱用的词)”。

Anna Wintour,Chanel | Bee Shaffer,Alexander McQueen

The most known and important fashion influencer and Vogue chief editor.
Due all respect, Anna, but whats up with the donuts ? No one has said anything at all bout her chose of style, why is that? Just because of her status? Sorry, but not really, i will voice out then. The dress is Chanel Couture, but did you pull if off? No, it wasnt as good as your after party at Gucci's.
Dear Anna, 尽管我很崇拜也很尊重您,但你确定你不是太饿了吗?
袖子两旁的细节长得根本就像两个大的甜甜圈。如果在晚会觉得饿了,随手就可以拿下来吃,填饱肚子。但基于她是Anna Wintour, 所以她穿什么,大家都会给予好的评价。为什么?因为她是Anna Wintour.(再次催眠自己,这是Chanel,不是甜甜圈!)



B, im your biggest fan, like OMG, youre so skinny and beautiful, plus the dress, PERFECTION!
Although, to the asian's eyes, Beyonce's dress may come off as inappropriate, but this is her style, on stage and off stage (she performs in bodtysuits). It is an insane way of showing her famous body curves, maybe this is due to the Miley's Movement effect?
The dress was unexpectedly by Givenchy, the artwork is beautiful, its according to the trend, with her great body and her confidence to wear it is simply stunning. The only thing im not feeling it is her hair style, im glad that she did it to honor the designer's back design but she could have wore a bob wig instead. No, she wouldnt look like Rita, because Hello?! Its Queen B, she would top Rita over.

Queen B一直都拥有着我这么一个忠实粉丝。对我来说,她根本就是一个完美的化身。她的肤色和身材完全可以衬托和驾驭这一件裙。尽管是透明和裸露了一点,但Beyoncé不是一直都走这种路线吗?(还是你妒忌她有一副好身材?)或者可以这么说,只有Beyoncé才能驾驭这种风格。

设计而言,乍看之下确实不会想到会是Givenchy (根据这2Givenchy的时装秀风格).但不要忘记Givenchy Haute Couture2012停办时装秀前,Givenchy Haute Couture 的服装是多么的让人影响深刻。而这件,就完全可以看得出设计师Riccardo Tisci haute couture依然是那么的热忱。

如果真的要鸡蛋里挑骨头的话,最奇怪的就是她那个在头顶上的马尾。或许她是不想浪费设计师的心思而想秀出这件裙背后的设计,但与其绑一个这么高的马尾,不如尝试一下戴个bob的假发。(绝对会有人说像Rita Ora,但我只想说Rita Ora Queen B 绝对不是一个档次的)


Jennifer Lopez in Versace, accompanied by Donnatella Versace.
Looking as gorgeous as usual, JLO is rocking the see-through dress with her beautiful curves. But Donnatella? What is wrong with her omg?! (After this article i probly wont be able to loan from Versace anymore)
J Lo 身上这件红色的长裙非常抢眼和符合主题,配合上简约的妆发,整个感觉配合的很好。

In Custom Made H&M dress, accompanied by Philip Tracey.
Im a fan of SJP,  but this time i disagree with her. Nice dress, good makeup, cool headgear but all of these did not match well together. She would look normal without the headgear. But then again, recently theres been a malfunction in her wardrobe.

事先声明,我很喜欢Philip Tracey设计的头饰。
Sarah Jessica Parker在欲望城市Sex and The City里饰演的Carrie Bradshaw是一名很会穿搭的都市女性。但在这套服装里,我完全看不见哪里搭配的好。如果把每件单品拆开来看,都很好看,但是如果搭配在一起的话就会有种“大杂烩”的感觉。这几年看下来,Sarah Jessica Parker出席场合的衣服都明显有问题,或许她还停留在欲望城市的那个年代?


Next to hubby, Kanye West.
If it wasnt for Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Kim would have been a nobody to me. Even though she isnt a real celebrity, but i gotta say, she really do know how to be the center of attention. Everywhere you go, people are talking bout her, i dont know how she does it but i wouldnt mind learning from her. Especially, her Met Gala Roberto Cavalli dress, the dress is beautiful, i like that she keeps up to the see-through sequined dress trend style, her friendship with Beyonce is doing her good.
 如果不是因为Kim主演的那部真人秀“Keeping Up With Kardashian”,我应该根本不知道她是谁。尽管她不是艺人,但她总有能力去成为焦点。不管到哪里,别人都会讨论(我不知道她是怎么办到的,希望她可以过个两招给我)



Sienna Miller in Thakoon Panichgul
I personally think that shes the most best dressed in this event. The red and bling, is so standout and chic, it so matches the theme. (Madonna, you should learn from Sienna Miller, like seriously) Thakoon Panichgul is known for his blazer and pants style.
个人觉得,Sienna Miller这套裤装是当晚的最佳衣着。红色亮片,流苏细节和耳环不但配合当晚的中国风主题,裤装也从众多的长裙里脱颖而出,显得更独特。整套看起来既时髦,又端庄。当然,也少不了设计师Thakoon Panichgul的功劳,他可是因为裤装和外套走红的。

Rosie like a fairy

Rosie Huntingon-Whiteley, Atelier Versace
Her dress is beautiful as well, she look like a traditional chinese fairy.

The Super MODEL

Liya Kebede in 3.1 Philip Lim
The outfit was simple in colors and style, very soothing to the theme. This would probably help many frustrated girls who can't decide whether to wear pants or skirt. Instead, why not both? It is still fashionable and simple.

In ….


Rihanna in Guo Pei
Everyone waited for two hours for her to enter, the anticipation was nerve breaking, but when she finally walk out, the whole world froze in wow and stunned with her outstanding style. It took two years to make this and with its detailed embroidery design, just Wow. This gonna be the talk of the year, the best joke and one we will not be able to forget easily. You may laugh at first glimpse but then Riri's cape got you thinking, How is her dress even possible.
经过漫长两小时的等待,仰颈长盼的蕾蕾终于如女皇般的降临会场。 当蕾蕾出现在大众的视线时,全场的目光都被蕾蕾的霸气女王造型吸引,世界也仿佛因蕾蕾的美而产生了停顿。但这份惊艳只属于那些明白蕾蕾华丽造型的人,因为在这世上通常都会存在反对派。在图片在上载不久后就被网友们p图(其实我有大笑),但是这个女人的drama排场相信全部女人(包括范冰冰武则天)明年会更kiashu的穿更大片尾群出来。(可能会像阿妹演唱会的彩虹旗一样大把媒体都掩盖)

WHAT's WRONG with Them

Here she go again

MILEY CYRUS in Alexander Wang.
A signature detailig by Alexander Wang but punk theme was last year. Must be cause of too much marijuana that made her mind slow.
Miley Cryrus是不是收到去年的请柬,庞克主题呢?这件裙完全看不出哪里和中国风扯上关系,除了铆钉还是铆钉。或许她嗑药过多了,已经分不清现在是2015年还是2014年。然后在晚会大声说道:“老娘今天就是要ROCK!”

 Give back my fashion icon

MADONNA in Moschino by Jeremy Scott.
The structure of the dress is alright but the graphic print is so obvious that it doesnt suit the theme at all, even thou madonna do look younger in this but this just wasn't the right occasion. 

EEwwe armpit hairs

Selena Gomez, Vera Wang
Selena put effort to meet the dress code for the night BUT in the wrong way. She thought choosing a Chinese designer would be 100% safe guaranty for the night. Black tassel on a sleeveless dress, so sorry darling it was a big no no. Don’t you think the black tassel look like Selena’s armpit hairs. And when I go through some of close up shoot for the night, Selena remind me of those maid from Philippine. Sorry.
请问她是哪一位明星的女佣?而且腋下有流蘇,还是腋毛.vera wang姐姐,im sorry

Cara Delevingne, Stella McCartney
Cara your chinese birds and cherry blossoms inspired temporary sleeve tattoo has meet the theme of the night but unfortunately the combination of the black cut out jumpsuit and the tattoo ermm…you look like a mafia’s wife.

Katy Perry, Moschino
Katy the theme for the night is China: Through the looking glass. Your dress is nice but the motif was so street wear. CHINA can you lease tell or show me where is your “CHINA” girl, not even a single thing on you can relate to the theme.

Grimes, Louis Vuitton
You are unique Grimes, I love your song and you sing well but this doesn’t mean I will ignore the way you dress for the night. Your leopard print dress from LV looks alike with those dresses from PM-pasar malam, just so unexpensive. But the most terrible things is your hair, because it bring you to another level, the pasar malam maniac level.
Louis vuitton不是很挑谁穿他们家的衣服吗?请问这是什么造型啊?还是她刚刚从夜市过来?grimes的歌很好听但是衣着真的让人大跌眼镜。

Anne Hathaway, Ralph Lauren
The hood and the colour of the dress made you look like some kind of futuristic outer space inspired character. And the textured of the fabric look like those I can get 1meters below 1ringgit. Last but not least are you still obsess with your character in Princess Diaries or there will be a new chapter for the Princess Diaries series: Princess Diaries 3: The Future Princess of Mars
anne小姐,你不是最近才扮miley吗?为什么又回去准备princess diaries 第3集而且是starwar 版本?


My best dress for Asian catogeries: Zhang Ziyi, Maggie Q, Fan Bingbing, Zhao Wei, Zhou Xun.
Theme for the night was “China: Through the looking glass”, all of these people I mention above they look incredible fabulous, they just effortlessly look gorgeous even they just wearing a simple clean dress because I think they themselves or their stylists truly understand the definition of Asian beauty
以上的亚洲女明星都了解什么叫asian beauty,或是less is more 的道理,漂亮。其实要cina了解什么是less is more的道理非常困难,请看下身边的朋友,是不是惊吓一下?

My worst dress for Asian catogeries: Li Yuchun, Carina Lau Kar-ling

Li Yuchun
The outfit wore by Li Yuchun for the night is not impressive enough. Based on her makeup I personally think that too mush of blusher applied. Besides that based on my own opinion her personality does not suit the see through lace pants because she can’t carry it.
个性打扮的她为什么要走这样的路线?你是被耍吧?蕾丝裤子。。。oh,come on,别闹啦请做回自己吧

Carina Lau Kar-ling
So far this is the worst style I saw her in for this few years. The style of the dress itself might look elegant but due to the paneling and the colour combination make her look handicapped, the black colour sleeve and the black paneling bodice part make her look like she loss her left arm. She looks fat in this dress and she also reminds me the villain name Cruella de Vil from Dalmatians 101.

For whom who share and agree the statement in the picture above, I think you guys already putting those celebrities and porn stars at the same level. You can simply reach a porn star by just pay 9.90usd and watch them fully naked for unlimited times, but who would have this kind of chance to see those celebrities almost naked even you have money. Who willing to wear like this and show it to the world how your body looks like. Do you dare?? If don’t just shut up.

Who say celebrities care about their image. I dare you if you have a chance to walk on a red carpet you will also use up all your phone memory the get as many as picture of yourself on the red carpet.

This is the close up shoot of Lady Gaga for that night, but nobody realized about her fantastic diamond hairstyle.

This is the pose = SEXY
要耍性感,一定要学这个回眸一"xiao"(ki xiao的xiao)

FKA twig wearing Christopher kane 

i think if she is famous will hv more people talk about this dress, i m sorry, sometimes art, i m not sure.

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